CDs & IRAs

Certificates of Deposit

  • Invest with a sound secure area market leader
  • Tiered rates, several term choices
  • Special rates for Heritage Club and Money Tree members

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For special balance and terms information, see a Customer Service Representative at one of our branch locations or email us.

(Please be aware the email is not encrypted. Do not disclose personal information such as bank account numbers or social security numbers.)

Individual Retirement Accounts

Traditional IRA

The traditional IRA is an account that allows you to defer taxes on the earnings on your contributions until they are withdrawn. Also, certain contributions are tax deductible in the tax year for which they are made.

Roth IRA

The Roth IRA allows only nondeductible contributions and features tax-free withdrawals for certain distribution reasons after a five-year holding period.

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Coverdell Education Savings Account

The Coverdell Education Savings Account is a non-deductible account that features tax-free withdrawals for a very specific purpose - a child's education expenses.

Speak with a Customer Service Representative to learn about these accounts in detail to get started.

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