Personal Checking Accounts

Our Checking Accounts Check all the Boxes

  • Free Notifi Account Alerts
  • Basic Bill Pay
  • Debit Card

Account Comparison



Minimum Deposit $50 $50 $50 $50
Minimum Balance N/A ≥$500 Daily Balance to Avoid Maintenance Fees4 N/A ≥$1500.00 Daily Balance to Avoid Maintenance Fees5
Maintenance Fees





Transaction Limitations N/A N/A N/A N/A
Statements E-Statements Required1,2 E-Statement or Paper Statement E-Statement or Paper Statement  E-Statement or Paper Statement
Interest7,8 N/A N/A N/A Interest Rates
Dormant Fee See Below3,6 See Below3,6 N/A See Below3,6
Account Advantages


 Mobile Deposit

Mobile Banking

 Notifi- Account Alerts

 F&M Online

Basic Bill Pay

Debit Card

 E-Statements or Paper Statements

 Mobile Deposit

 Mobile Banking

 Notifi- Account Alerts

 F&M Online

Basic Bill Pay

Debit Card


Cell Phone Protection

Debit Advantage® 


E-Statements or Paper Statements

Mobile Deposit

Mobile Banking

Notifi-Account Alerts

F&M Online

Basic Bill Pay

Debit Card

 E-Statements or Paper Statements

 Mobile Deposit

 Mobile Banking

 Notifi- Account Alerts

 F&M Online

Basic Bill Pay

Debit Card

1A $5.00 Paper Statement Fee will be assessed each monthly statement cycle if you choose to cancel your enrollment in E-Statements. This fee is subject to 7% Iowa State Sales Tax.

2Statement items (checks and deposit slips) are not returned with statement. Copies of statement items (checks and deposit slips) can be obtained for $1.00 per item. This fee is subject to 7% Iowa State Sales Tax. 

3Dormant Fee: $5.00 monthly if average daily balance falls below $500.00 and no activity for 12 months. The average daily balance is calculated by adding the principal in the account each day of the period of dividing the total by the number of days in the period.

4A Maintenance Fee of $5.00 will be imposed every monthly statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $500.00 any day of the month. 

5A Maintenance Fee of $10.00 will be imposed every monthly statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $1,500.00 any day of the month.

6This fee is subject to the 7% Iowa State Sales Tax. 

7At our discretion, the interest rate and annual percentage yield may change weekly.  Interest will be compounded daily. Interest will be credited to your account monthly. Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit noncash items (ie: checks). We use the daily balance computation method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principle in the account each day. Interest rate and annual percentage rate may change. 

8You must maintain a minimum balance of $1,500.00 in the account each day to obtain the annual percentage yield (APY).

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